Saturday 22 November 2014

Week 20 - Detailed Fetal Scan

Dear Baby,

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Mummy and Daddy were so excited today cos we were going to have the detailed scan with you! From the bad experience of the recent Oscar scan, mummy goh became a little scared. Prior to this detailed scan, I had been constantly talking to you everyday, telling you to be in the best position so that we can take a good look at you and your organs, to make sure you are well and healthy.

Love you for listening to me, our Baby Hayley! The sonographer took many pictures and measurements of you and all was well. The only problem she were too active! Flipping here and there. Sometimes lying on your back, sometimes lying on you tummy, sometimes lying on your hand...soooooo cute!

You have grown into a whooping size of 15cm and weighs 350g! No wonder mummy goh seems to have put on a little weight too...

Continue to Grow Grow baby! Looking forward to feeling your kicks soon!